Set Variable(s) to Form/Browse Window Info


The Set Variable(s) to Form/Browse Window Info action retrieves various kinds of information about a window.


  1. Make a selection in the Get the 'Text' property of object(s) in which window? field. This field will be grayed out unless this action is based on a Form or Browse. The choices are:

    • "Current Form or Browse Window".

    • "Another Form or Browse Window".

  2. If you selected "Another Form or Browse Window", select one of the listed forms or browses.

  3. Click the Add button to display a list of controls from the form or browse. Select a control and click OK to add the control to the list.

  4. Select a control in the list and click Delete to remove it.

  5. Enter the name you would like to use for the variable in the Store property value in a variable called field. Click Select Existing Variable to choose from a list of existing variables.

  6. Select each object in the list and select the variable's scope from the Variable Scope list. There are two options:

    • "Shared" - means that the variable can be used only by other scripts on the window

    • "Global" - means that all scripts can access the variable

  7. Click Next >.

  8. Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.

  9. Click Finish.

See Also